Download OpenAPI specification:Download
This operation provides support for retrieving all the Content Fragments Launches accessible to the current user, determined via the applied request authorization. By default this call will return a maximum of 50 items. The caller can define other limits suited to their application (see the limit query parameter), but the limit cannot be higher than 50. To ask for the next set of items pass the value of the cursor provided in the response to the cursor query parameter.
List of Launches.
Bad Request. The Problem Details object will provide more information about the exact cause.
Unacceptable. indicates that the target resource does not have a current representation that would be acceptable to the user agent, according to the proactive negotiation header fields received in the request.
The server encountered an unexpected error. Retrying the request after a certain time could help.
{- "items": [
- {
- "launchId": "string",
- "path": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "title": "string",
- "liveDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "productionReady": true,
- "isDeep": true,
- "modified": {
- "at": "2021-01-30T08:30:00Z",
- "by": "string"
}, - "created": {
- "at": "2021-01-30T08:30:00Z",
- "by": "string"
}, - "promoted": {
- "at": "2021-01-30T08:30:00Z",
- "by": "string"
], - "cursor": "string"
This operation creates a Launch, given the appropriate parameters.
This is an asynchronous operation. Please follow the URL from the Location
header to get the status of the job that creates the Launch.
Bad Request. The Problem Details object will provide more information about the exact cause.
Unacceptable. indicates that the target resource does not have a current representation that would be acceptable to the user agent, according to the proactive negotiation header fields received in the request.
Unsupported Media Type. When provided as a response to a PATCH
the response will provide an Accept-Patch
response header to notify
the client what patch document media types are supported.
The server encountered an unexpected error. Retrying the request after a certain time could help.
{- "title": "LaunchTitle",
- "isDeep": true,
- "sources": [
- "content/dam/wknd-shared/en/contributors/justin-barr"
{- "title": "Bad Request",
- "status": 400,
- "detail": "Bad request, please check that you have provided the correct parameters and that they are valid."
This operation deletes a Launch, given the appropriate parameters.
The ETag
value required by the If-Match
header must contain the value of the ETag
header returned by the corresponding GET
If-Match required | string The For more details, please head over to RFC9110. |
X-Adobe-Accept-Experimental required | integer Value: 1 |
Request to delete the launch was accepted. Use the Location header to get the status of the job that deletes the launch.
Not Found
Precondition Failed
The server encountered an unexpected error. Retrying the request after a certain time could help.
{- "title": "Unauthorized",
- "status": 401,
- "detail": "The request did not contain a valid Authorization header."
If-None-Match | string The For more details, please head over to RFC9110. |
X-Adobe-Accept-Experimental required | integer Value: 1 |
Launch found
Not Modified
Not Found
Unacceptable. indicates that the target resource does not have a current representation that would be acceptable to the user agent, according to the proactive negotiation header fields received in the request.
The server encountered an unexpected error. Retrying the request after a certain time could help.
{- "launchId": "string",
- "path": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "title": "string",
- "liveDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "productionReady": true,
- "isDeep": true,
- "modified": {
- "at": "2021-01-30T08:30:00Z",
- "by": "string"
}, - "created": {
- "at": "2021-01-30T08:30:00Z",
- "by": "string"
}, - "promoted": {
- "at": "2021-01-30T08:30:00Z",
- "by": "string"
This operation allows fully updating the properties of a Launch. The changes are passed as JSON.
Update requests should pass the most recent ETag
value received from the server using the getLaunch or from this endpoint.
If-Match required | string The For more details, please head over to RFC9110. |
X-Adobe-Accept-Experimental required | integer Value: 1 |
Bad Request. The Problem Details object will provide more information about the exact cause.
Not Found
Unacceptable. indicates that the target resource does not have a current representation that would be acceptable to the user agent, according to the proactive negotiation header fields received in the request.
Precondition Failed
Unsupported Media Type. When provided as a response to a PATCH
the response will provide an Accept-Patch
response header to notify
the client what patch document media types are supported.
Precondition Required
The server encountered an unexpected error. Retrying the request after a certain time could help.
{- "title": "string",
- "isDeep": true,
- "liveDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "productionReady": true
{- "launchId": "string",
- "path": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "title": "string",
- "liveDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "productionReady": true,
- "isDeep": true,
- "modified": {
- "at": "2021-01-30T08:30:00Z",
- "by": "string"
}, - "created": {
- "at": "2021-01-30T08:30:00Z",
- "by": "string"
}, - "promoted": {
- "at": "2021-01-30T08:30:00Z",
- "by": "string"
This operation provides support for retrieving all the sources IDs that belong to the Launch.
The ETag
value that can be passed to the If-None-Match
header must contain the value of the ETag
header returned by the GET /launches/{launchId}
If-None-Match | string The For more details, please head over to RFC9110. |
X-Adobe-Accept-Experimental required | integer Value: 1 |
List of content fragment IDs that belong to the launch. The caller can define other limits suited to their application (see the limit
parameter), but the limit cannot be higher than 50. To ask for the next set of items
pass the value of the cursor
provided in the response to the cursor
query parameter.
Not Modified
Not Found
Unacceptable. indicates that the target resource does not have a current representation that would be acceptable to the user agent, according to the proactive negotiation header fields received in the request.
The server encountered an unexpected error. Retrying the request after a certain time could help.
{- "items": [
- "49af775d-0e7a-46c3-913d-00f762528373"
], - "cursor": "string",
- "self": {
- "launchId": "string",
- "path": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "title": "string",
- "liveDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "productionReady": true,
- "isDeep": true,
- "modified": {
- "at": "2021-01-30T08:30:00Z",
- "by": "string"
}, - "created": {
- "at": "2021-01-30T08:30:00Z",
- "by": "string"
}, - "promoted": {
- "at": "2021-01-30T08:30:00Z",
- "by": "string"
This operation edits the sources of a Launch, given the appropriate parameters.
The ETag
value required by the If-Match
header must contain the value of the ETag
header returned by the GET /launches/{launchId}
If-Match required | string The For more details, please head over to RFC9110. |
X-Adobe-Accept-Experimental required | integer Value: 1 |
Request to edit the launch's sources was accepted. Use the Location header to get the status of the job that edits the launch.
Bad Request. The Problem Details object will provide more information about the exact cause.
Not Found
Unacceptable. indicates that the target resource does not have a current representation that would be acceptable to the user agent, according to the proactive negotiation header fields received in the request.
Precondition Failed
Unsupported Media Type. When provided as a response to a PATCH
the response will provide an Accept-Patch
response header to notify
the client what patch document media types are supported.
The server encountered an unexpected error. Retrying the request after a certain time could help.
{- "sourcesToRemove": [
- "49af775d-0e7a-46c3-913d-00f762528373"
], - "sourcesToAdd": [
- "49af775d-0e7a-46c3-913d-00f762528373"
{- "title": "Bad Request",
- "status": 400,
- "detail": "Bad request, please check that you have provided the correct parameters and that they are valid."
Perform a rebase of this Launch over the production sources or another Launch, depending on the provided parameters.
The ETag
value that can be passed to the If-Match
header must contain the value of the ETag
header returned by the GET /launches/{launchId}
If-Match required | string The For more details, please head over to RFC9110. |
X-Adobe-Accept-Experimental required | integer Value: 1 |
Request to perform Launch rebase was accepted.
Bad Request. The Problem Details object will provide more information about the exact cause.
Not Found
Unacceptable. indicates that the target resource does not have a current representation that would be acceptable to the user agent, according to the proactive negotiation header fields received in the request.
Precondition Failed
Unsupported Media Type. When provided as a response to a PATCH
the response will provide an Accept-Patch
response header to notify
the client what patch document media types are supported.
The server encountered an unexpected error. Retrying the request after a certain time could help.
{- "compare": "5f6239bb-cfcb-4093-b184-f819bf433a5c",
- "isDeep": false,
- "sources": [
- "49af775d-0e7a-46c3-913d-00f762528373"
{- "title": "Bad Request",
- "status": 400,
- "detail": "Bad request, please check that you have provided the correct parameters and that they are valid."
Perform a promote of this Launch to production or another Launch, depending on the provided parameters
Request to perform Launch promote was accepted.
Bad Request. The Problem Details object will provide more information about the exact cause.
Not Found
Unacceptable. indicates that the target resource does not have a current representation that would be acceptable to the user agent, according to the proactive negotiation header fields received in the request.
Unsupported Media Type. When provided as a response to a PATCH
the response will provide an Accept-Patch
response header to notify
the client what patch document media types are supported.
The server encountered an unexpected error. Retrying the request after a certain time could help.
{- "compare": "5f6239bb-cfcb-4093-b184-f819bf433a5c",
- "isDeep": false,
- "sources": [
- "49af775d-0e7a-46c3-913d-00f762528373"
{- "title": "Bad Request",
- "status": 400,
- "detail": "Bad request, please check that you have provided the correct parameters and that they are valid."
Compute the differences between Launch and the production or another Launch, depending on the provided parameters
Request to compute Launch differences was accepted.
Bad Request. The Problem Details object will provide more information about the exact cause.
Not Found
Unacceptable. indicates that the target resource does not have a current representation that would be acceptable to the user agent, according to the proactive negotiation header fields received in the request.
Unsupported Media Type. When provided as a response to a PATCH
the response will provide an Accept-Patch
response header to notify
the client what patch document media types are supported.
The server encountered an unexpected error. Retrying the request after a certain time could help.
{- "compare": "5f6239bb-cfcb-4093-b184-f819bf433a5c",
- "isDeep": false,
- "sources": [
- "49af775d-0e7a-46c3-913d-00f762528373"
{- "title": "Bad Request",
- "status": 400,
- "detail": "Bad request, please check that you have provided the correct parameters and that they are valid."
Get information about the processing of the job
Job is processing.
Job completed.
Not Found
Unacceptable. indicates that the target resource does not have a current representation that would be acceptable to the user agent, according to the proactive negotiation header fields received in the request.
Unsupported Media Type. When provided as a response to a PATCH
the response will provide an Accept-Patch
response header to notify
the client what patch document media types are supported.
The server encountered an unexpected error. Retrying the request after a certain time could help.
{- "state": "ACTIVE"
Job completed.
Bad Request. The Problem Details object will provide more information about the exact cause.
Not Found
Unacceptable. indicates that the target resource does not have a current representation that would be acceptable to the user agent, according to the proactive negotiation header fields received in the request.
Unsupported Media Type. When provided as a response to a PATCH
the response will provide an Accept-Patch
response header to notify
the client what patch document media types are supported.
The server encountered an unexpected error. Retrying the request after a certain time could help.
{- "operation": "aem.launches.create",
- "status": 200,
- "description": "The job encountered an error during processing",
- "data": {
- "state": "ERROR"
}, - "errors": [
- {
- "type": "internal.error",
- "title": "An internal server error was encountered while executing the job"